Hi friend!
I'm so glad you're here!

I'm Lisa. I empower moms like you to break free from the overwhelm and embrace a journey of balance, purpose, and vibrant (non-toxic) living.
I learned what I know by working on my own health challenges and discovering the healing power within the human body. At 19, I was in a serious car accident that caused damage to the nerves in my neck and spine, followed by two decades of severe pain. Through many treatments and medications, I developed fertility struggles and an extreme candida overgrowth that impacted all of my internal organs. 

After years of little improvement with conventional medicine, I began my journey toward holistic living. Over time, I discovered the missing pieces that were keeping me from the balance and health I had been looking for. 

Now I empower moms like you to ditch the overwhelm and become the best version of themselves through holistic wellness, self-care, and non-toxic living.

I believe most of today's health issues are caused by the modern lifestyle. Our world today is full of consumer products and foods laden with toxic chemicals the body cannot process. Come along with me and allow me to show you how to make small changes in your products and daily lifestyle that create a compounding positive effect on your well-being and the health of your family.
Are you ready to change your life? Let's do this!